Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Kidnap Capital World Tour Countdown Day Eight
In Which Little Missy Gets a Scare from the State Department!
Today is the deadline for us to receive our second passport and visas for Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Burma and Papua New Guinea.  I have not received any of this stuff and Stanford is getting worried.  I have brought the average age of the trip down to 68, by the way.  I am one of the youngest travelers, if not the youngest traveler in my group.  Obviously a group of distinguished senior citizens.  It's not me, it's the group.  Stanford should get on the stick and get that State Department in line!  Where are my passport and visas?  Where is that cute FedEx guy in the shorts who works my route in the afternoons?  Have I bought all those ugly outdoor clothes in vain?  Oh my, do I need to break into my suggested Travel Medications before the trip even begins?

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